
Rev. Kyle A. Dillon (Editor-in-Chief) — Assistant Pastor of Theological Instruction at Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Germantown, Tennessee, and a theology teacher at Westminster Academy in Memphis, Tennessee. He possesses a Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis (2013), Bachelors of Arts degrees in History and French from Seattle Pacific University (2003), and Associates of Arts degree in Modern Standard Arabic from the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California (2006). He is currently pursuing a ThM degree at Covenant Seminary in Reformed views on natural law. His interests include Christian apologetics, science/faith, and linguistics. He is also a bit of a Trekkie and speaks Klingon.

Rev. Dr. Billy Boyce — Lead Pastor of Christ Church of Arlington in Northern Virginia. He possesses a Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary (2011) and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity School for ministry. Billy and his wife Melynda live in Arlington with their four children. Billy’s theological interests include  faith and culture, ecclesiology, the Church’s role in justice and mercy, church history and racial reconciliation, spiritual formation and community, and theological anthropology. His other hobbies include comic books, movies, music, avoiding mowing the lawn, and the quest for the perfect homemade pizza.

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